Elephants Never Forget


But perhaps the most important lesson I learned is that there are no walls between humans and the elephants except those we put up ourselves, and that until we allow not only elephants, but all living creatures their place in the sun, we can never be whole ourselves. – Lawrence Anthony

I send out my weekly stories never knowing what will land with my readers. I was touched when Cristina G, a young mum in France, sent the note below in response to last week’s Survival Shit story. This is the impact I hope for!

We’re curled up on the sofa in our pjs, it’s 8.30am. I’m reading your work to the kids. (On Wednesdays, there’s no school in France).
“How much is 200kg, Mummy?”
“It’s 10 of you!! Imagine 10 Célestes, but leaves!” 

This story went from a kiddo’s reaction of “Ewww, that’s disgusting” to “Omg Mummy! This is so cute  We need to look after the elephants”. 
Thank you 
Kathy Karn  

Another friend and therapy colleague forwarded an animated video (5mins. 22 sec.) about the intelligence of elephants. This delightful film educates viewers about how remarkable elephants are. It seems serendipitous that the name Hattie in the opening frame is almost identical to Hatsie the name of the matriarch on the cover of my book!

Here’s the link to the film. I think you will enjoy it.

If you enjoyed this post, I hope you will to forward it to other animal lovers.

Join me next January for a small group safari to experience the biodiversity of Kenya. Contact me for trip costs and travel details.

 About your guide: Kathy Karn is an international award-winning wildlife photographer and visual storyteller who fell in love with Africa on her first visit in 2010. She loves to introduce others to the wonders of Africa and the need for preservation of wildlife. Subscribe to Heartfelt Stories to learn more about what awaits you on safari.

In traveling to a truly foreign place, we inevitably travel to moods and states of mind and hidden inwards passages that we’d otherwise seldom have cause to visit.  Pico Iyer

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